
A Beautiful Day

Hello Friends. Today I have so much to be thankful for.

My Mom had surgery this morning and it was a success. She'll be in the hospital overnight, but the doctor seemed very confident that her recovery should be smooth.

Just last Friday my Dad was in the hospital when he had a stint put into a cardiac artery. He is also doing well.

My folks are still sweethearts, even after all these years together. They are going to nurse each other back to health. My brother and I will help as much as we can from afar. I'm so very happy that they have each other, and also wonderful medical care.

Today I have the day off (tomorrow too) from my regular job. I enjoy the work I do there, but oh how lovely it is to stay home and spend some bonus time with my darling boy. We have played games, put together puzzles, built towers, sang songs and watched Sesame Street. He's napping now, and when he wakes up from his nap - we'll be full steam ahead once again. I wouldn't trade this time with him for anything in the world. He is my sunshine.

Dan is working today, but we will do something fun as a family tonight and I plan to have a nice dinner ready for him when he gets home. He's a wonderful husband, and I am a very lucky wife.

So, that's my brief little post for today. I just wanted to share with you a little bit of what I am thankful for this afternoon (the full list would take all day). My sincere wish is that each of you have much to be thankful for, as well.

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