Willie was SO excited! We literally had to hold him back until it was his turn. Some of the other children were a bit shy or scared, but not our Willie. When we were (finally) in front of the line, he ran right up... sat beside the big Bunny and patted him on the knee. It was pretty cute. The Bunny's assistant gave him a Lollipop and we were on our way.
There was a Coi pond, a waterfall and lots of winding paths to explore. Little Will was in his element indeed!
After wandering through the place for a while, we went to a little petting zoo that they were also sponsoring. Will was able to pet little ducklings, chicks and bunnies. He loved them and was very gentle. He was especially taken with this sweet little bunny rabbit.
What fun for a little one and who couldn't love a bunny?!