
Just what We Needed!

Last weekend our little family trudged through a packed flea market looking for bargains (one of our favorite weekend activities – regardless of crowd size). We usually go with nothing specific in mind, and just wait for things we “need” to jump out at us. This time, we did have one item we were specifically looking for: a chest of drawers for Baby Boy’s nursery. The closet in the room he will use is tiny, and extra clothing/bedding storage will be required.

We had only been pushing our way through the crowd for a few minutes when I spotted one that was about the right size for the space we have. It was also a good color (blond wood finish – matches our changing table). It was sturdy, clean and didn’t have a lot of scratches or dents! My heart rate began to accelerate. I pulled out each drawer to see if they were in good working order. They were! The overall look of the thing was a bit dated (60s or 70s maybe?), but I’m not one to worry about things being terribly modern. In pretty much every aspect of my life, I am much more concerned with function, value and comfort than I am with style.

So, after sizing up the chest, and seeing that it would be a great solution to our problem, I nervously flipped over the price tag.


Woo Hoo!!! So, we bought it of course, and the seller helped Hubby load it into our vehicle. It didn’t really fit, but the seller gave us a bungee cord which kept everything in place (even with the back hatch open) as we drove home. We put it into the Baby’s room, and it’s a perfect fit there. I gave it a quick wipe-down, and can now mark a big item off our “to do” list for Baby.

Sometimes a bargain hunter has to “settle” on whatever happens to be in the desired price range. We were very lucky to find something we actually thought was perfect, at a truly perfect price!! Now all that’s left is filling it up (and that will be the most fun of all).



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