
Three More Minutes, Please?

My Little Guy is two and a half, and with that age comes a new discovery every day. A new topic to be interested in, a new scary monster to slay, a new phrase to repeat incessantly.

This week we’re hearing a lot of “Three more minutes, Please?” We hear it when bath time is almost over, when it’s time to turn out the lights at night, when his favorite book has been read, when the credits roll on his train movie, when his nose is red and we need to get out of the snow, etc. His goal is to draw as much enjoyment from every activity as he possibly can.

We don’t give in, at least not often (I have been known to read an extra bedtime story once in a while, but most of the time we stand firm). We’re not sure where he picked up his new favorite saying, but we do understand his desire.

The truth is that I’m wishing for a few more minutes myself. I already can’t believe how quickly my tiny boy is growing up. The chubby cheeks of infancy are now lean, and show the promise of the handsome young man he’ll grow to be. He is learning more every day, and leaning on us a little less. Now that he’s capable of expressing himself, he’s shown us that he’s happy to do so – constantly, and loudly and with vigor.

He’s such a joy. He makes us laugh and sometimes he makes us frown, but mostly he just makes us love him more every day. I have relished every phase of his life, each more than the last, and I hate knowing that the old saying is true. Time does fly when you are having fun. And fun (boatloads and truckloads of the stuff) is exactly what we’re having.

So, it’s not just my Little Guy who would like to stretch these wonderful days a little bit. It’s me too! I want to eke out extra minutes and hours of time with my darling little boy. I want to hug him and kiss him (for those few moments he’ll let me before wriggling away). I want to read him stories and sing him songs and listen to him telling me his silly stories in return.

But time flies.

This summer our family will be growing, and we’ll find ourselves starting this crazy fun all over again with our second child. We are incredibly excited (and admittedly a little nervous) to soon be juggling two little sweeties, and helping them to grow and learn and love. It’s going to be a rollercoaster ride of a lifetime, and I will love every minute of it – even if I occasionally have to grip my seat in white-knuckled panic as the scenery starts to go by at warp speed.

Please don’t misunderstand. I don’t want time to stop. I just don't want to miss anything.  I want to watch every phase of their development carefully, soaking up all the happy times and storing the memories away for my golden years. I want our children to know they are loved, and supported and so very important to us. I want them to grow up and enjoy life for themselves and be happy. I hope that they too can discover the sheer joy of parenthood and a wonderful marriage. I want it all.

But for now, I just want a few more minutes. Please?


  1. Christy, you are very wise-Amen and Amen! As a mother of grown boys, I can confirm the wonderful days pass way too soon! Thankfully, boys always love their mommas! Love from Florida to you and yours-tell your folks and David hi for me!



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