
One Crazy Summer

Holy Busy Summer Batman!  I can’t even begin to tell you how nuts it’s been around here.  I won’t bore you with every minute detail, but I will give you a quick glimpse of the stuff that’s been keeping me away from my blog….
  • A baby who doesn’t realize he’s a baby… Baby Boy will be ONE next week,but he thinks he’s much bigger.  He gets terribly aggravated when he fails at anything he tries (translation: anything he sees his big brother do), but he never stops trying.   Actually he just never stops moving, period.  I’d forgotten how exhausting it can be to chase a determined baby who is fully mobile, and who loves nothing more than to test his boundaries.
  • A big boy who thinks he’s a teenager….  For some reason Little Guy thinks that turning four (his birthday is also this month) will flip some magic switch that changes all the rules.  He is convinced that four year olds never have to sleep and that they get to eat cookies for breakfast and wear pajamas to school.  He’s wrong of course, but he’s not easily convinced that this is the case.  We’re especially having trouble with bedtime.  He just doesn’t want to go to sleep – ever.
  • A day job that is going into overdrive….. The office is so busy; I’ve even had to work some extra hours at home lately, which is certainly not ideal.  Hopefully the extra hours are only a passing phase and not the new normal.
  • A party to plan… We’re having a joint birthday celebration for our fellas. We’re doing it at our house and of course that requires a whole different level of house cleaning than we usually get by with.  Last night it was washing windows and laundering drapes.  Tonight it will be cobweb removal and dusting the shelves that usually get neglected.  Not sure what tomorrow will hold, but I know it will probably require Clorox wipes, a scrub brush or both. 
  • Presents to make…. This I’m almost done with (thankfully).  I did publish a couple quickie blog posts last month showing the stuffed creatures I’ve made for the boys.  I’m now working on a little wooden house for part of Little Guy’s birthday present – it is a joint gift from my Dad and I, and requires a post of its own, which you’ll see later in July….
And I’ll close with a few recent pictures. Enjoy & meet me here again soon – very soon, I promise!
Baby Boy stealing a peek at Big Brother's favorite book

Little Guy "helping" his Dad with the crossword

Four Generations:  My Mom, My maternal Grandma, myself and the boys. 
This one is actually from May, but hadn't posted it yet.


  1. Phew! I'm exhausted just reading your post!
    Gosh, I can't believe that AJ'll be one next week. Where DID that year go???
    Great piccies, especialy the 4 generations one; that's a real treasure. I have pictures of past family but actually only remember one grandma and an uncle & his wife, so it's lovely to see y'all together.
    Have a great party and then I hope you get a bit of a rest!! (Ha ha! who am I kidding, eh?)
    Lots of love
    Z xx

  2. You look so much like your Mum and Nan! I know what you mean about a different level of cleaning when you're expecting visitors.



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