
Halloween 2011

Monday marked both the end of October (can you believe how quickly that month passed?) and Halloween. It's not my all-time favorite holiday, but it can be fun, and it certainly was this year.

We dressed the boys up as a cowboy and cow, respectively. Our Cowboy enjoyed his costume. Our little Baby Bovine...not so much.

And imagine my surprise when Little Guy received a surprise package in the mail from our friend Miss Zoe of Pennyblossoms (you are really spoiling us over here, by the way). An adorable little lunch box filled with all sorts of yummy candy and treats that we don't see here in the USA. Thank you Miss Zoe! You are such a sweetheart, and you made our Little Guy very happy! 

We took the boys through our neighborhood for 'trick-or-treat' time, and then also went to an event at the local mall. The below pic is of Hubby and Little Guy as we were getting ready to leave. Note that the cowboy hat is not on the cowboy's head.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah! You got it! Must admit, you nearly didn't get the 'screme egg'! A bit partial to those...normally an eggy-looking inside and known as Creme Eggs, they seem to appear straight after Christmas. But I have NEVER seen the screme one before. We both tried one too! Yum!
    Hope your boys,(all 3 of them!),didn't eat all the sweets in one sitting, otherwise they might've been how I was last week!
    Z xx



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