
Baby Boy's Arrival

He's here!! We are very excited to announce that our newest little bundle of joy is here at last. 

Baby Boy was born on Monday morning at 10am.  He's a healthy little fellow, weighing in at 8lbs 11 oz and he's 20 1/2 inches long. 

I was admitted for induction on Monday morning (largely due to the speed at which Little Guy came into this world three years ago).  Nobody wants to deliver en route to the hospital if it can be avoided, right?  That was certainly my position, and luckily my doctor agreed.  Our new baby was born just four hours after that first dose of pitocin was administered.  My first experience with childbirth had been fast and relatively easy.  The contractions weren't all that bad, and it wasn't the end of the world when I found that I'd missed the window of opportunity for an epidural. 

This time was different.  The pain was crazy bad, and I caved - asking for an epidural, and getting one - sort of.  That's where it all gets interesting.  Mid-way through the administration of the epidural, I felt the urge to push.  I don't know about other women....but when I feel the urge to push there is no time left for anything else.  However....epidurals aren't to be trifled with, so everyone was yelling at me not to move AT ALL.  This was difficult since moving was the only thing I wanted to do!  I held on for a minute (or what seemed like a year) while they got finished with the epidural.  Then - in a whirlwind of frantic nurses yelling for a doctor (mine didn't have time to make it), he was here!  A few minutes after his birth, the epidural took hold, so in hindsight...that was a bit of a waste.  Oh well. 

Our littlest sweetie is darling and wonderful and everything we hoped for.  Little Guy is smitten with "his new baby", as are we all.  We are thankful for this newest blessing in our lives, and thankful for friends, family and the amazing doctors and nurses at the hospital.  God is good, and we are so very happy!!


Love Letter from Mom

Dearest Baby Boy,

Hello there little one. I wanted to write you a letter before you arrive (and while I still have the time to do it), to let you know how very special you are to us already. No, we haven’t met you yet. Right now, in our mind’s eye we envision only the blurry images shown us via ultrasound. And yet, you are as real to us as the air we breathe. You are our son, and we love you unconditionally even now, before your birth.

Your Dad and I are so excited to finally meet you, and to introduce you to your big brother and the rest of the family. We can hardly wait to catch that first glimpse of your little face, and to cradle you in our arms. We will be so happy to hold you and touch your soft skin and kiss your chubby cheeks.

Time will fly. In the blink of an eye, you will be a toddler, and then a teenager and then a grown man. We will be there for you every step of the way, watching and encouraging you as you grow and change and mature. We will make mistakes, because we are human. No matter what mistakes we might make, remember that we love you. We are excited to see the man you will become, and we will be proud of you until we draw our last breath on this Earth.

As you experience life, you will develop your own ideals and exert your independence. You too, will make mistakes. We expect nothing less. There will be times in the years ahead, when we won’t see eye to eye. That’s just how the parent/child relationship works. I want you to know however, that no matter how much or how often we might disagree, we will always love you. We will always cherish and appreciate you. We will always be here for you. Never doubt our unwavering love and support.

Our wish for you is a lifetime of happiness and good health. Neither are guaranteed, and there will be episodes when one or the other is lacking. No matter the hand that life deals you, remember to be faithful, to be courageous, to be honest, genuine and kind. Follow the Golden Rule and life will repay the kindness and generosity which you have shown others. Keep God first in your life. Be thankful for the blessings you receive. Show those you love just how much they mean to you. Embrace your dreams. Fall in love. Experience adventure. Forgive. Create. Dance. Call your Mom as often as you can.

Most of all, be you. There is nothing better that you can be.

I love you Sweet Baby Boy! Don’t ever forget it.


{this moment}

Inspired by SouleMama to share one moment...via a single photo - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember...


Keepsake Projects

Here are a few of the little things I’ve been working on lately to keep myself busy, while waiting for the arrival of our new Baby Boy:

I wanted to make the new Baby some blankets. I’ve put all of Little Guy’s special baby blankets in storage so that he can have them as keepsakes when he’s older. I want Baby Boy to also have plenty of keepsake blankets, so I’ve been on a mission. You may recall the retro rocket blanket I made a while back. Now, I’ve added a dinosaur blanket (orange flannel backing on a basic cotton print – all fabric from JoAnn’s):

And a puppy dog blanket, which I appliquéd “AJ” (Baby Boy’s initials) for a fun fold-down effect. The orange in this picture looks odd. It actually matches the orange “woof woof” printed on the fabric. This one is flannel front and back, so will be a little warmer than the dino one. (The doggy print came from JoAnn’s. The tan flannel has been in my stash forever).

In keeping with the whole keepsake theme…. I also have been re-working the much loved sock monkey from my own childhood, to give to Baby Boy. It was made for me in the 1970s by a dear family friend. This little critter survived years of love and use and moves, but just barely. I’d actually looked for it when I was pregnant with Little Guy, but had never found it. Little Guy did receive a sock monkey which was made for him by a family member (who also happens to be a dear friend) - so he didn't miss out.

By chance, I came across my old sock monkey on a recent visit to my parents’ house. He was floppy, missing lots of his yarn embellishments and needed a general freshening up. I did a little surgery on the back of his neck, added a lot more stuffing and then replaced all the red yarn that had faded or disappeared over the years. Now both of my boys have sock monkeys with great loving back stories.


I'm also putting the final touches on the quilt I'm making for Baby Boy.  I'll post pics once that is complete as well.


Light at the End of the Tunnel

The end is in sight. Woo Hoo! We’re counting days now, instead of weeks or months. It’s scary and exciting and frustrating and exhilarating all at once. So far, Baby Boy is ignoring his looming due date. He seems perfectly satisfied to stay in his Mommy’s belly forever.

Mommy, however, would not be quite as satisfied with that result. I’ll admit these last couple of weeks have been hard. I’m swollen and achy and terribly slow. I’m so cumbersome and whale-like that even my fattest maternity clothes seem to mock me. This has been the frustrating part. I am so looking forward to delivery, and meeting our new little fella, and getting back to feeling normal.  Tired, I'm sure...but normal!

Until that happens I’ve been trying to stay busy. I’ve been working on a few craft projects (will post about those tomorrow), reading, watching old tv re-runs (thank you NetFlix), playing with Little Guy and generally relaxing. I know that activities like relaxing and reading will soon be difficult to execute.

Hubby is amazing. He cooks and helps around the house and pampers me silly. Little Guy seems torn. He’s excited to have his new brother around, but never hesitates to say that the Baby is not allowed to play with his Thomas the trains, or read his books etc. I think he senses that things are getting closer. He’s been a lot clingier and huggier than usual (no complaints here). I am sure there will be an adjustment period, but I do think he’ll make a great big brother.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we embark on this next exciting chapter. We are very blessed and look forward to an exciting future with our two little boys!


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