
Spaceboy and Robot

I bought this Wee Wonderful pattern (for the two fellas you see below) last fall, but just now got around to using it.  I really couldn't be much happier with the end result.  They are adorable (if I do say so myself) and I think Baby Boy will like the bright colors.

The pattern was very easy to follow and since it came in a wonderful little booklet format, will be easy to re-use in the future if I ever need to make another set. 

My only regret is that I now wish I'd have placed the robot's chest plate maybe an inch higher on his chest.  My mistake.  Everything else worked great (I felt).

The fabrics I chose were all simple cotton (trim and details in felt).  The "A" on the Spaceboy's belt represents Baby Boy's first initial.  The photo suggestions that came with the pattern included some buttons.  Although I think buttons might have been cuter, I just didn't want to risk the possible choking hazard that might pose.

These little fellas will be part of Baby Boy's first birthday next month.  I can hardly wait!!
The photo above is the one that Wee Wonderful displays on the pattern itself.  If you like to make stuffed lovies for the kiddos in your life, I'd recommend getting patterns from this company!

Note:  I was not asked to review WW patterns.  I purchased the Spaceboy and Robot pattern and used it because it's adorable.  No other incentive was requested or received.


A Day Late

I meant to do this yesterday, but time got away from me.  Hubby was a little under the weather and the boys were both a little stir crazy.  It made for a fun (though hectic) day.  Even though this message is a day short, it carries with it the deepest love and appreciation which I have for my Dad and my husband!!
Happy Father's Day Dad!! I love you!
Dad with our boys last month

and Happy Father's Day to my Hubby too!!!  I'm such a lucky lady!!! 

this is an older picture (we were in the hospital with Baby Boy) but its a favorite.


Caramel Cake

I never had Caramel Cake until today, but ever since I read "The Help" I've wanted to try it.  In that book, one of the main characters "Minny" is said to make the best Caramel Cake anywhere.  It kept coming up throughout the story, and every time I read about it - my mouth began to water.

It was not something I'd tried, but I was sure I'd be a fan.  After all, I love caramel and I love cake.  But after I finished the book, I kind of forgot about my interest in this seemingly yummy confection.

So today when we were watching America's Test Kitchen, and they featured Caramel Cake - my interest was instantly renewed.  Hubby offered to bake it for me, and I said you betcha!  He baked the two cakes, and then I whipped up the frosting and iced them.

This cake is good.  We're far from being professionals, and this was our first attempt.  Doesn't matter.  This cake is REALLY good.  The cake itself is a fairly basic yellow cake, and it's a buttery, moist yum-fest.  Honestly though, the cake is nothing more than a delivery vehicle for the frosting.  Oh dear.  That frosting could maybe bring about world peace.  It's just so GOOD.  Ridiculously sweet, buttery and richer than Bill Gates... this is a cake to love.

So of course that's what we're doing.  I highly recommend giving the recipe a try. 


Birthday Critter #1

I'm making two little stuffed characters for Baby Boy's 1st birthday (coming next month), and decided I'd better make at least one for Little Guy as well (his 4th birthday is also next month).  The photos below show what I came up with. 

This funny little monster doesn't have a name (yet), but I'm hoping he'll be well received.

I'll post pics when I get the next two stuffed critters done.  Those are taking a little more time as I'm using a pattern.  The monster was so simple, I just threw him together using some bits of fabric from my stash.


Customer Service

My family returned from a (much needed) vacation on Saturday, and no sooner had we crossed the threshold of our home - the hard drive on my laptop crashed. 

This wasn't a "Please Restart" kind of crash... This was the blue screen of death kind of crash - for which there is no quick fix.  The computer is just over a year old and had been working great - right up until my baby (who is now pulling up on everything) pulled up using my laptop cord and brought the whole thing crashing to the kitchen floor.  Thankfully he was unhurt.  The computer also seemed fine at first, but within a week I started having issues with random crashes (the minor kind).  I am the kind of person who ignores problems until they can't be ignored any longer.  I assumed the problems I was having wouldn't get any worse.

I was wrong.

So, on Sunday night I broke down and called customer service for my computer company (let's call them "Pewlett Hackard").  I was expecting the extraordinarily long hold time that seems to go hand in hand with most customer service phone lines (cable tv and the phone company are notoriously bad at this).  Imagine my surprise when my call was answered within the first few rings!  A soft spoken voice with an Indian accent answered.  I couldn't spell his name if I tried, so we'll call him "Sam".  I explained my problem to Sam, and he asked several questions.  We chatted for a while, and he put me on hold.  After a few minutes of hold time, he came back with the news I'd expected - I needed a new hard drive.  ugh.  Still, this wasn't his fault so I stayed positive, asking what my next steps would be.  He reviewed my options with me, quoting a price that I wasn't thrilled with - but accepted.  After a little while he said, "You've been so patient.  Let me check on something for you."  I was again put on hold, but he came back on the line within a couple minutes.  "I found the same hard drive for $100 less.  Would that work for you?"  "Why yes it certainly would!" I replied.  He went on to say I'd also need a set of recovery disks which would run an additional fee.  I said that was fine, and was connected to a second customer service representative who was in charge of finalizing orders.  We'll call her Betty. She briefly reviewed everything with me again and then she said, "Sam mentioned you were very patient and kind.  I want to see if I can do something for you."  There was silence as I was once again put on hold.  Then she returned to the line and said she could order my hard drive from a vendor that often includes the recovery disks for free!  Eureka!  I was thrilled.  I told her as much and she laughed.  I got the distinct impression that she doesn't deal with nice people 100% of the time.

Maybe I would have gotten these special deals no matter what, or maybe I got the "Wow - there are still nice people in the world!" discount.  I'm not sure.  What I am sure of is that I received excellent customer service and that always makes my day.  I'm sure looking forward to getting that hard drive and getting my laptop back in working order.  I hope I never have to call customer service again, but if I do... I sure hope I can talk to "Sam" and "Betty" again.


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